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Modelling of episodic-transient signals in measurements of large ring lasers

Ring lasers measure rotations of the observation platform absolutely, instantaneously and in high temporal resolution. These properties make ring lasers a promising tool for measuring short-term fluctuations from a few minutes to several days in Earth rotation. Because of the high instrumental resolution not only the expected periodical geophysical signals are visible in the time series of the measurements but also non-periodic and transient signals of unidentified origin. One possible cause with local or regional effect could be the horizontal wind-pressure along geographical structures – in the case of Wettzell ring laser the alpine mountain belt in central Europe. A key part of this application therefore is the modelling of horizontal deformations of the Earth crust caused by wind load and their impact on the ring laser measurements. The identification of such non-global rotational components is very important for the interpretation of time series of large ring lasers with respect to Earth rotation variations.

Involved institutions:

Scientists / Staff:

  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schreiber, Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie FESG
    Tel.: +49 9941 603 113, E-Mail: schreiber (at)
  • Dr. Andre Gebauer, Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie FESG
    Tel.: +49 9941 603 109, E-Mail: gebauer (at)
  • Dr. Thomas Klügel, Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie BKG
    Tel.: +49 9941 603 108, E-Mail: kluegel (at)
  • Prof. Dr. Uwe Ulbrich, Institut für Meteorologie, FU Berlin
    Tel.: +49 30 838 71186, E-Mail: ulbrich (at)

Former Staff:

  • Alexander Velikoseltsev, Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie FESG
    Tel.: +49 9941 603 200, E-Mail: alex (at)


  • A. Velikoseltsev, U. Schreiber, T. Klügel, S. Voigt & R. Graham (2008): Sagnac Interferometry for the determination of rotations in geodesy and seismology. 15th St.-Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, 26-28 May 2008, Saint Petersburg, Russia, (submitted).
  • Schreiber, K.U., Klügel, T., Velikoseltsev, A., Schluter, W. & Stedman, G.E. (2008): The large ring laser G for continuous Earth rotation monitoring. J. Geod. Special Issue on Geophysical Geodesy, (submitted).
  • Klügel, T., Schreiber, U., Schluter & W., Velikoseltsev, A. (2008): Advances in inertial Earth rotation measurements - new data from the Wettzell G ring laser. Proc. Journees 2007, Systemes de Reference Spatio-Temporels, Paris, 17-19 September 2007, (submitted).

Poster presentations:

  • Klügel, T., Schreiber, K.U., Velikoseltsev, A. & Schluter, W.: Improved measurement of short-periodic polar motion by the Wettzell G ring laser, EGU General Assembly 2008, 14-18 April, Vienna. Datei ist nicht barrierefrei Download (pdf/208 KB)

Oral presentations:

  • U. Schreiber, A. Velikoseltsev, T. Klügel: Modelling of Episodic-Transient Signals in Measurements of Large Ring Lasers, EGU general assembly, April 2008, Vienna.
    Datei ist nicht barrierefrei Download (pdf/16 KB)
  • A. Velikoseltsev: Modelling of episodic-transient signals in measurements of large ring lasers. Statusseminar DFG Forschergruppe FOR 584 “Erdrotation und globale dynamische Prozesse”, Wettzell, 12. – 14.03.2008.
  • Klügel, T., Schreiber, U., Schluter, W., Velikoseltsev, A.: Advances in inertial Earth rotation measurements - new data from the Wettzell G ring laser, Journees 2007, 17-19 September, Paris.
  • A. Velikoseltsev: Medelling of episodic-transient signals in measurements of large ring lasers. Statusseminar DFG Forschergruppe FOR 584 “Erdrotation und globale dynamische Prozesse”, Dresden, 30. – 31.05.2007.

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